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November 26, 2011 Update November 26, 2011

Posted by The Kru Blog in Trip Information.

Hey it’s Tatiana. I’m so excited about going to the east coast. 4 more months until I leave and I have butterflies already. Last week I had to stay after school to go to a meeting about the trip. We talked about what we’re going to be doing at the different sites.

Also the teachers at the meeting said once we get off the plane than we will be calling our family members to let them know we got there okay. So get your phones ready, because I’m calling everyone at 4 o’clock in the morning. Look forward to me calling you 🙂

I found this cool pic of the Martin Luther King Memorial. What do you think about it? I can’t wait until I get to see it. My Dad told me so much about it!

Tatiana ❤


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